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Ernest and Mabel Lucy Wynn Williams (Residents 1936-1953)

Ernest Wynn Williams was born in Llendville Corwen, Wales in 1872. He married Mabel Lucy Livingstone in Hounslow in 1901.


His career as a schools inspector included appointments as HM Chief Inspector of Schools for Cumberland and Westmoreland (1913) and  Chief Examiner in History to the Board of Education. He was a member of the Hampshire Education Committee in 1935.


A sentence from a talk he gave in 1935 was widely quoted in the press. "Every boy should leave school able to read a good newspaper intelligently".


In 1939, Irma Aschenbrand is shown as a Domestic Servant in the Wynn Williams household. In October 1939, she was registered as a "Female Enemy Alien - Exemption from Internment - Refugee".


The Wynn Williams left Chapter House in 1953. Ernest died in Bournemouth in 1956. His wife died in 1961, also in Bournemouth.



Ernest Wynn Williams: About
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