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Prior to 1894, the land upon which Chilbolton Avenue was built layed in the centre of Weeke parish.


In the 1894 Local Government Act, Weeke was divided into two civilian parishes - Weeke Within (.... the borders of Winchester) and Weeke Without (.... the borders of Winchester). The dividing line between these two parishes was therefore the Municipal Boundary of Winchester.


The name Weeke Within was abolished in 1902 when the area became part of the Weeke parish of Winchester.

The name Weeke Without was abolished in 1932 when the area became part of the parishes of Winchester and Hursley.


The municipal boundary was just to the west of what became Chilbolton Avenue, meaning that all the houses on Chilbolton Avenue were built in the City of Winchester - with the single excepting of Weeke Gore, which was in Weeke Without.


Weeke Parish: About


The Weeke Without parish boundary, showing the position of Chilbolton Avenue.



Weeke withoute parish.png
Weeke Parish: Welcome
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