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Harold Henry and Clare Ethel Stiff (Residents 1935-1955)
Harold Henry Stiff was born in 1873 in Southwark, London. He went to Dulwich College and the Caius College, Cambridge. He worked at St Georges Hospital, London and then moved to Bury St Edmunds in 1902, working at the Suffolk General Hospital.
He married Clare Ethel Rouse in 1903 in Marylebone, London.
He served with the Royal Army Medical Corps during World War 1.
He practised in Bury St Emdunds until his retirement in 1935, when the Stiff's moved to Fairway, Winchester.
Harold died in 1943.His widow, Clare, continued to live at Fairways until 1955. Clare died in 1956. Harold and Clare are buried at Magdalen Hill Cemetery (plot A3 83).
Dr H H Stiff: About
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